Learners develop the underpinning knowledge through online methods and then enter the classroom to apply to practical activity.
New content is only learnt outside of the classroom
You move back and forth between the two methods as needed to complete units.
Learners develop the underpinning knowledge through online methods and then enter the classroom to apply to practical activity.
New content is only learnt outside of the classroom.
You move back and forth between the two methods as needed to complete units.
A ‘Flipped Classroom’ is one where students are introduced to content or assignment through online delivery and then have face to face delivery to apply learning.
A flipped classroom is a type of blended learning where students are introduced to content at home and practice working through it during the face to face opportunity with the tutor. This is the reverse of the more common practice of introducing new content during session time, then assigning homework and projects to be completed by the students independently at home.
In this blended learning approach, face-to-face interaction is mixed with independent study through the use of the online VLE. In a common Flipped Classroom scenario, the learners will navigate new content through the VLE and synchronous sessions and then come into college for face to face contact armed with questions and background knowledge to apply to practice.
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